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MYRY musical artist headshot press shot cover album ghosts

'Ghosts' narrates the story of those relationships that never end, because the one deciding to end it cannot quite let the other one go completely and allow them to move on. “They want out, but they want you more”.
Ghosts was described by BBC Introducing as a "Headphone moment" during its radio premiere.

MYRY musical artist cover album stuck in a loop

Co-written by Joshua Bowyer (aka WULF), 'Stuck in A Loop' is a song about “impossible love spirals”. You know you need to end it, but you are addicted to each other. You know it’s wrong, but some part of you thinks it’s worth it anyways. A remix by DJ Molly Mouse is also available on all music platforms. 

MYRY musical artist cover album je te laisserai des mots patrick watson

The lyrics of Patrick Watson's song resonated with MYRY from the first listen, back before the song gained outstanding popularity on social media. This is a cover that MYRY feels particularly passionate about, as she used a blend of all 3 of her primary languages (French, Italian and English) in the harmonies.

MYRY musical artist headshot press shot cover album salty sweet and bitter rain

'Salty, Sweet, and Bitter rain' embraces the powerful, refreshing and uplifting feeling of liberation that comes from letting emotions pour out like rain. It furthers the narrative of relationship spirals and builds on MYRY's minimalist sound with the addition of powerful drums. The song was originally written as a humorous lode to Turkish Coffee ('I just want a Turkish Coffee, to get me through the day'), with the lyrics subsequently being replaced after the melody was praised by MYRY's management team, inviting her to complete the song. 

MYRY musical artist headshot press shot cover album born tired

"Melancholic notes, crisp vocals, and vulnerable lyrics come together to form an atmospheric, ethereal, intimate masterpiece. Intricate, soft instrumentals set the stage for her smooth vocals as she details feeling overwhelmingly exhausted, yet grateful for the things that keep her going. Initially written as a sarcastic, upbeat track, she took it down for the final version — balancing a (dark) sense of humour with a sincerity and rawness that only MYRY could accomplish." 
(Wonderland Magazine)

MYRY musical artist headshot press shot cover album silver linings

This introspective track delves into the profound human ability to adapt and the tendency to search for silver linings in the face of unexpected and undesired circumstances. It serves as a reminder that growth comes from being honest with ourselves and embracing the full spectrum of our emotions. MYRY's latest single 'Silver Linings' is now out on all music platforms.
It was featured on Billboard Argentina on 19/9/23


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'Season A' is the growing collection of MYRY's melancholic and subdued singles released between 2020 and 2023, including a remastered version of 'Born Tired'.

It represents the first phase or 'season' of MYRY's musical endeavours, characterised by more acoustic sounds and predominantly soft piano. Though 'Season A' marks the distinction between the alt-pop releases and the more electronic releases that followed, musical moods and genres are not chapters that are left behind to MYRY, rather they are seasons that come and go.

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'The Shards' is the first electronic release produced and performed by MYRY. Inspired by the electronic sounds of Bonobo, Caribou, The XX and HVOB, it is a liberating yet hauntingly longing track.


It is out on all platforms as of October 27th 2023 and is accompanied by a Horror-themed music video.


You can listen and/or watch 'The Shards' here.

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MYRY came across Valentino Fanizza (handpan) while he was performing the steel drums in her hometown in Italy. She was immediately mesmerised by the sound of the steel drums and asked him to record her some ad-lib loops of hand pan. She wrote, performed and produced an electronic song around it.


This is a song about the fragile yet powerful emotions awakened into each other during toxic relationships ('it wasn't right') and how they can be blinding. It is a song about accepting that things can be beautiful and yet have an expiration date; when there are 'weak seams' in the fabric, it eventually tears.

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